In order to design and carry out ambitious studies which will provide conclusive results, a large number of samples must be provided from patients and donors. The biobank collects and stores these samples, making it possible to have a greater understanding of disease and discover new treatments.

Biobanks are Made Possible by People like You

In the age of personalized medicine it is essential to have a large collection of samples in order to make advances in biomedicine. The selfless donation of biological samples is key to making this pre-eminent research possible. We can all do our part to help in the fight against disease.

The collection of human samples must necessarily be accompanied by the corresponding patient or donor consent form. Donations may be made to the different sections of the biobank, both by patients and by those who are interested in helping to cover research needs.

Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming a donor you can contact the biobank at biobanc(ELIMINAR) You should briefly describe your reasons for wanting to become a donor, as well as the type of sample you wish to give. The biobank team will inform you of your options and the procedures you will need to follow, depending on the type of disease the sample is related to.

Thank you for helping us to make improved and more competitive biomedical research possible.

Legal Information

Biomedical Research Act

The Spanish Biomedical Research Act regulates the storage, transfer and use of biological samples, as well as the general operation of the biobanks where these samples are stored. According to this legislation:

A National Register of Biobanks , shall be created in which all research biobanks shall be registered. This will help to ensure compliance with bioethics requirements and confidentiality by guaranteeing free transfer of samples, donor anonymity, the right of donors to be informed of research objectives, and the ability to revoke consent at any time after the samples have been transferred.

Biobanks are different from other collections of biological samples that may exist for purposes of biomedical research.

Following authorization from the Ministry and at the initiative of the Carlos III Institute of Health, biological sample banks may be created as required in the interest of the common good. The Spanish Bioethics Committee shall be created with the aim of strengthening the guarantees and safety of biomedical research.

Quality and safety standards will be established to guarantee the traceability of biomaterials at all times.

For more information: Biomedical Research Act

Data Protection Act

The Catalonian Data Protection Agency and the Spanish Data Protection Agency ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regime (RGPD) which guarantees the proper and ethical use of data associated with the samples stored at the biobank. In compliance with current legislation, full confidentiality of donor identity and the treatment of the donor’s personal data used in research projects shall be guaranteed, so that it is impossible to know from whom a given sample has originated through the use of a dual coding system.

Informed Consent Forms

The biobank has the duty of fully informing donors of the use that will be made of their samples, as well as of explaining that all samples and data have been collected in compliance with national and international ethics directives. When a doctor informs a patient of the possibility of collaborating with the biobank, the doctor is required to provide the patient with an informed consent form. By signing said form, the patient acknowledges full understanding of the use that will be made of the samples, and gives his or her consent.

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